To all my dear friends and relatives , above are the details for my lapis orders. Looking forward to your orders. And also thanks for the overwhelming supports for all these years !
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Kueh Lapis Order (CNY 2012) 千层糕
To all my dear friends and relatives , above are the details for my lapis orders. Looking forward to your orders. And also thanks for the overwhelming supports for all these years !
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Kueh Lapis Order
To all my dear friends and relatives , above are the details for my lapis orders. Looking forward to your orders. And also thanks for the overwhelming supports for all these years !
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
X'mas Kueh Lapis 圣诞节千层糕
站在烤箱旁一刻也走不开,耐心观察烘培进度,动作也要重复约十多回 ,才能完成一个颜色饱满香味四溢的千层糕。
Kueh Lapis is a all time favourite festive seasons and Chinese New Year delicacy in Singapore.
Also known as Layered Cake, the baking process is extremely laborious and time-consuming as the cake is baked layer by layer. It is important to monitor the progress of each layer meticulously in front of the oven, so kueh lapis bakers usually have ‘Patience’ as their middle names.
The layer is usually paper thin and on top of the great taste, it is really fun peeling it off layer by layer to eat them. Watch your kids do that ! They are bound to lure the adults to join in the fun !
Friday, October 7, 2011
Ang Ku Kueh 红龟粿
不知不觉中,自己在烘培这块也摸索了超过十年的光阴,但一直都主要在尝试制作西点。对于一些传统糕点反而很少尝试,总觉得难度会比较高。最近一直在阅读有关制作本地传统糕点的书籍。心里好想试试看做传统糕点的“红龟粿”。一大早起来之后,就窝在厨房开始准备材料。做红龟粿当然要先准备内陷,一开始就先把浸泡了一整晚的绿豆拿去蒸熟在加入所需材料。嘿。。。。馅料已经做好了,好像还蛮OK。 准备好了馅料,当然就来准备红龟粿的皮了。第一次做,所以不晓得面团软硬度是否适中。哎呀!不管了反正东西总是要做一次才知道对不对吗!我把皮包上适量的馅料,然后捏呀捏,嘿!好像还可以嘞!小心翼翼地放进红龟粿的模具里,在轻轻一敲,哈。。。。我的第一个超级迷你红龟粿成型了。哈。。。。感觉还不赖,觉得红龟粿比月饼的面团更容易操作。经过半个小时的努力后,我把一整盘的小“龟粿” ,放进蒸笼里蒸个三到四分钟。又一次带着紧张的心情掀开锅盖,哇!一个一个可爱的小“龟粿”就乖乖的躺在里面,实在太可爱喽!好想马上就吃一口,小“龟粿”我来哦!
Ang Ku Kueh 红龟粿
Cooked split mungo beans 300g
Sugar 180g
Pandan leaves 2
1. Mashed cooked split mungo beans and fry with sugar till dry.
2. Leave to cool and then divide into small portions and set aside.
Dough Ingredients
Glutinous Rice flour 300g
Oil 80g
Icing Sugar 60g
Water 150g
Some red colouring
1. Mix all the ingredients into dough , cut into small portions.
2. Wrap filling into the dough . Press into ,mould to form the shape.
3. Put onto banana leaf and steam for 5mins. (For mini size Ang Ku Kueh , normal size steam for 8mins)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Happy Teacher's Day 教师节快乐
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Durian Huat Kueh 榴梿发糕
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小瓜一直说这是muffins!哈!也对,这是Chinese muffins. |
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家里简单的农历七月拜拜。 |
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拜拜当然少不了水果。 |
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也把这传统节日当成教育小瓜的好机会,所以全程都让他参与。 |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Durian Birthday Cake 榴梿生日蛋糕
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把洗好的水果做一次装饰排列 |
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基本的海绵蛋糕体 |
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美美的蛋糕当然要美美的盒子来配搭! |
Durian Birthday Cake ( Recipe partially from Kevin Chai 《 My Birthday》)
Sponge Cake
Sponge mix 180g
Eggs 3
Milk 45ml
Butter (melted) 45g
Durian cream
Fresh cream (whipped) 120g
Durian fresh 300g
Fresh cream (whipped) 150g
Sponge fingers
1. To make sponge cake , preheat oven to 180C , line bottom of a 7" cake tin with greaseproof paper.
2. Beat the sponge mix ,eggs and milk in a mixer with high speed until light and fluffy. Turn to low speed , mix in melted butter until well blended.
3.Spread batter prepared tin and bake for 30 mins. Remove from oven and cool completely. Split into 3 layers.
4.To make Durian filling , stir whipped cream with mashed durian fresh until blended.
5.Spread durian filling over a layer of sponge cake , add the second layer of sponge cake and followed by durian filling for the 3 layers cake.
6.Coat cake with fresh cream and do the rest of the cake decoration with the fruits and sponge fingers.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Chocolate Chip Cookies 巧克力饼干
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My little chef waiting patiently for the cookies... |
Chocolate chip cookies
Makes about 24 cookies
Butter 100g
Brown sugar 100g
Egg 1
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Self raising flour 150g
Porridge oats 75g
Chocolate chips 50g
Raisins 25g
Almonds 25g
1. Preheat the oven at 190°C. Line baking paper on baking tray . Sift flour set aside.
2. Place butter and sugar in the mixing bowl and beat them with an electric whisk until creamy.
3. Add the egg and vanilla essence and mix together again. Stir in the flour and then mix well.
4. Add oats , chocolate chips , raisins ,almonds and stir in , then use 2 spoons to scoop generous spoonfuls of mixture to make lumpy heaps on the baking sheets . Allow space in between the heaps as the cookies will spread as they cook.
5. Bake the cookies for 10mins . Cool the cookies on the baking sheets for a while and they are ready to serve.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Low Fat Banana & Cherry Muffin 低脂香蕉樱桃小松糕
自发粉 2杯
黑糖 1/2杯
蛋 1个
低脂牛奶 1/2杯(我用豆浆来代替)
香蕉 2条 (压成泥)
小樱桃 100克 (也可用蓝莓、草莓等代替)
无脂优酪乳 1杯 (什么口味都可以)
1. 烤箱预热到180c , 模具里涂抹少许油备用。
2. 把自发粉和黑糖放入容器里 ,搅拌均匀。
3. 在另一个容器里,把蛋、优酪乳和牛奶拌匀,然后加入步骤2的粉里去快速拌匀 。(无需搅拌太久)
4. 然后再加入香蕉泥和小樱桃,再度拌匀。
5. 把面糊分盛模具中,然后放入烤箱烘约20~25分钟或至熟透为止。
家里有些吃剩的巧克力,所以我把它切成小块 ,把它加入其中一半的小松糕里。哈哈!好矛盾的组合,到底这小松糕是
当然有巧克力的是留给儿子吃,我只吃低脂的偶尔解解嘴馋。我的体重管理哲学,减重也可以吃得很开心,什么都可以适量的吃,只要把一些较高热量的食材做一些取代,也可以吃得很开心。在减重期间,与其强行的压抑自己的食欲,倒不如让自己偶尔吃吃自己想吃的食物,但分量就要稍稍控制一下下。其实我并不主张把减重做很硬性的规定,并不喜欢规定这不能吃,那不能吃,没有任何东西一吃就会爆肥,只是长期没有控制的吃才会让体重曾加。哎哟!胖子也是人啊,对自己也要仁慈一点,什么都不能吃,唉。。。。日子要怎么过?不要忘了,减重不是一天两天挨饿,就希望看到自己的体重就会减轻。减重是改变饮食习惯,让自己的饮食更正确、更健康。减重的不二法门就是多吃蔬菜,控制吃进肚子里的分量和运动,没有捷径!忘了,还有自律、恒心与毅力!!在减重期间,也要常常自我鼓励,自我感觉要良好,就算没有达到预期的效果也不要气馁,因为能够维持健康的饮食习惯和运动 ,这样是好的,绝对不会错!加油~喔,错了,应该是漏油!漏油!哈!
Win the war NOT the battle !!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Korean Stir Fry Spicy & Non Spicy Anchovy 韩式香辣银鱼仔/原味银鱼仔
我家小瓜吃了后好喜欢, 他还到厨房向我要多一些 ,然后把它当零嘴吃起来。午餐时,他也没两下功夫就把碟子里的银鱼仔全都吃完,然后又到厨房多拿一些。这是他第一次品尝,他说吃起来很像爆米花。或许吧,因为它可能吃起来甜甜中带咸。哈!
这次我做了一份辣和一份不辣 , 我个人较喜欢辣的 ,因为觉得比较香脆,但先生和小瓜都喜欢不辣,因为他们反而觉得比较有较劲,而且甜甜咸咸很好吃。其实这小菜一点都不难,有空也可试一试。
银鱼仔 1杯
油 2大匙
糖 1 大匙
水 2小匙
糖浆(Corn Syrup)1/2 大匙
麻油 少许
芝麻 少许
3. 在锅里放进糖、水和糖浆 ,炒至糖和糖浆溶化 ,再把银鱼仔加入拌匀 。
银鱼仔 1杯
油 2大匙
糖 1 大匙
水 4小匙
糖浆(Corn Syrup) 1/2 大匙
韩国辣椒酱(Hot pepper paste) 1 大匙
麻油 少许
芝麻 少许
3. 在锅里放进韩国辣椒酱、糖、水和糖浆 ,炒至糖和糖浆溶化 ,再把银鱼仔加入拌匀 。
4. 最后加入少许芝麻油和撒上芝麻即可。
×× 银鱼仔当然也可以用江鱼仔代替 。
×× 如果喜欢吃辣的朋友也可加入辣椒粉,按各人口味。
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Bear Burger 熊熊汉堡
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